Want to blog for your business, but not sure how to get started writing? Not problem! I am not even writing this right now. Not in the old sense, anyway. I am sitting on the couch with the WordPress app running on my iPhone. I am pressing the little microphone icon next to the space bar, and then talking into my phone. It’s pretty easy to write a whole lot of text this way. Write first, check later.
The important thing is to think first about what you want to say. As long as you have something helpful to tell people, then just say it. That’s the trick. Don’t worry that you can’t make yourself sound clever enough. Don’t think you have to sound fancy.
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Your chance to stand out
It’s always best to have the expert in any particular matter be the one to write the marterial. It does not happen enough. Which is exactly why you have the chance to be the business that stands well out from the crowd.
The truth is, there are always people there who will need help with exactly what you do. They have a problem they want you to help them fix. And they probably don’t care for you to sound clever while telling them. Especially if you’re in an occupation where actions count more than words, short and sharp is the way to go.
If you have something to say, then are best off to saying it just how you normally would. All you have to do, is talk about stuff that happened. Because somewhere out there that has the same problem you just solved.
In fact nomatter what you do, I am willing to bet there are plenty of things that shocked you or made you laugh during your time on the job. Examples of how not to do things. Perhaps accompanied with an idea of how you’d do things better.
Everyone has a story
Maybe you’re an electrician that has seen something in a crazily dangerous way. Or a fence builder who can’t believe the fence he replaced today stayed up for as long as it did. Or a computer guy who has just realized how much time your new trick will save everybody.
You know something others don’t. And the people who will find your story online, are the people who are looking for it. The people who really want to hear what you’ve got to say. And the people who, having heard your viewpoint, and seen your logic, might to want some.
The trick to writing interesting content is just telling your readers the same cool stuff you would otherwise be telling your friends. Everybody loves a good story. And everybody needs advice on how to get things done right.
Writing a blog can be easier than you expected if you go at it in the simplest way possible. And the simplest way possible is just to say something. Anything. Then proof read, hit the publish button, and get it out there.
Just think and speak
All of the above, 10 minutes ago I had not even thought of, beyond the fact that I wanted to tell you how to make writing easier. But now I have started, I have already managed to tell you a little bit about why you should not overthink it.
I have also mentioned that you can make it easier by using a voice-to-text function, like all iPhones five and above have built in. And in a few minutes, I will plug my phone into my computer, and do a screen recording of me doing a blog post.
Of course, you may not have an iPhone or any other such device. Not a worry, you can always simply record your voice, then type your stories up afterwards. Or you might prefer just thinking and typing. Voice-to-text, or record-then-type, are just good ways to get the guts of your story done and dusted.
Blogging helps Customers Find You
Now somebody who is looking on Google for an easier way to write blog post, i.e. to create content, might just find this post. It’s an extra page to get found by you, which increases your chances of winning your business.